Pre Qualification Assessment Form

Using our years of expertise, we have developed a tool that will help you to predict your chances of winning through to the tender stage of a project. Spend a few minutes completing the pre-qualification questionnaire assesment from below, and based upon the information that you have provided, we will instantly give you our assessment of your chances of success. We can also provide you with a detailed report if you want it.

If you’re a new client and the report predicts you’re well qualified for the opportunity, we will undertake the work for you on a no win, no fee basis.

Business and Professional Standing
Has the Company or any Director of the company been convicted of conspiracy?
Has the Company or any Director of the company been convicted of fraud?
Has the Company or any Director of the company been convicted of bribary and corruption?
Has the Company or any Director of the company been convicted of incitement to commit a crime?
Has the Company or any Director of the company been convicted of money laundering?
Have you been found guilty of any breach of the Competition Act 1998 or the provisions on competition contained within the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union?
Have any Directors or Executive Officers or their relatives been, or are they presently, a director or an employee of the client that you are trying to obtain work from?
Financial Standing
Please enter the turnover of your organisation in the last financial year e.g. 5,000,000
Please enter the approximate annual turnover of the opportunity per year based on the information provided by the client. e.g. 5,000,000
What is the approximate value of your balance sheet? e.g. 5,000,000
Do you have, or are you able to obtain, insurances of the type and to the required value indicated within the pre qualification document?
Quality Management
Are you accredited to ISO 9001 standard with respect to quality management and is the accreditation appropriate to the type of work that the opportunity represents?
As you have answered No to this question, select one response from below
You have a fully documented quality management system that follows the principles of ISO 9001 including a company quality policy statement
You have a partially documented quality management system that follows the principles of ISO 9001 including a company quality policy statement
You have an informal method of managing quality delivery
Do you have arrangements for providing employees with training and information on quality management issues?
Health and Safety Management
Are you accredited to ISO 18001 standard with respect to Health and Safety Management?
Are you accredited by CHAS or similar industry standard scheme?
As you have answered No to question 4.1 and No to question 4.2, select one response from below
Do you have a fully documented health and safety management system that follows the principles of ISO 18001 including a company health and safety policy statement?
Do you have a partially documented health and safety management system that follows the principles of ISO 18001 including a company health and safety policy statement?
Do you have an informal method of managing health and safety?
Do you have arrangements for providing employees who will engage in this opportunity with training and information on related health and safety issues?
Have you within the last three years been issued with a prohibition notice or an improvement notice by an HSE inspector?
Environmental Management
Are you accredited to ISO 14001 standard with respect to Environmental Management?
As you have answered No to this question, select one response from below
Do you have a fully documented environmental management system that follows the principles of ISO 14001 including a company environmental policy statement?
Do you have a partially documented environmental management system that follows the principles of ISO 14001 including a company environmental policy statement?
Do you have an informal method of environmental management?
Do you have arrangements for providing employees who will engage in this opportunity with training and information on related environmental issues?
Have you within the last three years been prosecuted by the environment agency or received improvement notices?
Equal Opportunities and Diversity
Do you have a written policy as an employer to comply with antidiscrimination legislation, and to treat all people fairly and equally so that no one group of people is treated less favourably than others?
In the last three years has any finding of unlawful discrimination been made against your organisation by any court or industrial or employment tribunal or equivalent body?
In the last three years has your organisation been the subject to a compliance action by the Equality and Human Rights Commission or an equivalent body on grounds of alleged unlawful discrimination?
Do you provide equal opportunities training to your staff
Do you provide equal opportunities guidance to your employees/suppliers concerned with recruitment, training and promotion?
Do you positively promote equal opportunities in written company documentation such as your web site or brochures or policy documents?
Do you maintain statistical information on the demographic of those people applying for jobs?
Do you maintain statistical information on the demographic of those people working for you?
Business Continuity Planning
Do you have procedures in place for business continuity to ensure the continuity of the organisation's operations in the event of accident, disaster, emergency and/or threat that is compliant with ISO 22301?
As you have answered No to this question, answer all of the questions
Do you have procedures in place to ensure the back up of your IT systems?
Do you test these procedures and conduct fire drills on a regular basis?
Have you undertaken a formal risk assessment process on your company to identify the major risks that would prevent you from operating? E.g. your office is flooded or catches fire.
Have you assessed the impact of each event?
Have you assessed the severity of the outcome of the event occurring?
Have you formulated the action plan that the company would work to if the event occurred?
Do you review any such arrangements on a regular basis?
BIM Policy
Are you working to achieve a level 2 maturity rating with respect to BIM?
Technical Capability
How many projects have you completed within the last three years that are of a similar nature, size and complexity as this opportunity?
Have you previously worked with this client?
As you have answered Yes to this question, check as many boxes that are appropriate
Have you completed a project of similar nature, size and complexity as this opportunity?
Have you got a good relationship with this client such that you would use them as a reference for other work?
Have you got a poor relationship with this client such that you would not use them as a reference for other work?
Is your closest office base further than 30 miles from the project opportunity?
Has the client already got a provider for this service who is completing the contract successfully?
Have you got professional resources in order to respond to this opportunity is sufficient detail to produce a well worded commentary to any additional questions provided?


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01462 440077
or complete the form and we will call you back within the hour.





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